

 University Design Work

Some of my work from design courses I took during college for my certificate in Design Innovation.

Design Innovation — Discovering Design

In this Design Innovation course, we went over the elements of design and many sectors of the design field, including product design, architecture, and interior design. Here is a graphic I made re-doing a Grand Marnier Liqueur Ad.

Besides ad hoc designs like the redesigned poster, we devoted a lot of time toward developing a final project in groups. My final project focused on improving the food delivery process by improving the physical container the food comes in. We created the product “Rebox,” as an improved, sustainable food delivery container.

Below is some of our work, including wireframing, prototypes, logo, and a snapshot of our team website. Linked here is the deck we created to pitch our product in our final design showcase. When first tasked with the question of “how might we improve the food delivery process"?” I initially thought of improving food delivery applications before my team pivoted to focusing on the physical food delivery container, included in the work below.

Political Science — Human Trafficking

While this was not a design course taken for my certificate, this Political Science course still allowed me to use my design skills in creating a mockup of a potential product. Toward the end of the course, we were tasked with creating a hypothetical idea, program, product, etc. to tackle the issue of human trafficking in some way. My group decided to create an international scorecard to keep private military contractors (PMCs) accountable in their hiring processes for private peacekeepers sent on UN missions. For our project, I created an ideation of what our scorecard would look like, scoring hypothetical companies on their practices.

Landscape Architecture — Fundamentals of Visual Representation and Creativity

Here is some of my favorite pieces created in this introductory landscape architecture course. Throughout the class, we focused a lot on developing our sketching skills, especially on the natural world.

For our final project, we were tasked with creating a “Green Imaginarium,” envisioning a potential invention or project that could be used to solve or mitigate an environmental issue. I decided to create a garden called the Bancroft Community Garden. My idea was intended to serve as a community garden on the UC Berkeley campus that grows a number of fruits and vegetables and gets sent via underground tunnel to the Berkeley Student Cooperative to address food insecurity in the community and on campus.

Design Innovation — Visual Communications & Sketching

Here is some of my work created in my Visual Communications class. In this course, I learned a lot about ideation, wireframing, and visually displaying my ideas. In the class, we were instructed to complete a number of tasks including thinking of a product/idea to sell. From there, we were taught to draft up a video pitching our product (starting from initial sketches to a final .mp4 product).

I ‘created’ an application called ‘Fact Filtr,’ aimed at combing through disinformation online to provide the user with a ‘clean,’ fact-checked timeline of social media and news sources. Here is some of the work I put into ideation in addition to my final video project.

Beyond this, I also collaborated with two other students for our final project in the class. For such an assignment, we were tasked to create a product aimed at stopping or mitigating the vaping crisis. As a solution, we came up with ‘Gum Pods,’ gum-like candies with similar flavors and smoke effects as vaporizers. For this project, I directly assisted with graphics, video editing, the initial one-pager demonstrating the concept, and the 2-D mockup of our product.

While the aforementioned work was the bulk of the class, I also made a few more general graphics, including the reverse engineering-and-redesigning of an application. I used NextBus, an application many students used to use for campus and local bus information.

Integrative Biology — Bioinspired Design

I also completed a course titled ‘Bioinspired Design.’ The course aimed to teach students to learn about techniques (such as biomimicry) that designers use (and could use) based on traits found in nature. Using what we learned, we were then challenged to find a scientific journal article online and create a product using the traits mentioned in the article. For our final project, my team and I created ‘Avra,’ a product aimed at using information from birds’ vocal habits to create an apparatus that could help those who have lost their voices (ex. from smoking) to regain such abilities. In the group, I helped design our final presentation poster in addition to any necessary logos we needed. I also helped with addition design work from previous projects leading up to the final (attached below).